Two runners from Tewkesbury AC made the short trip to Warkwickshire to run in the Shakespeare Marathon in Stratford-upon-Avon last Sunday 29th April.The headline performance was from Clive Baker who is in fantastic form. Despite being the wrong side of 40 years old, the experience distance runner ran just over a minute outside his personal best time for the marathon distance of 26.2 miles. The Stratford course is regarded as a 'slow' course and depending on the runners ability, would be 2-10 minutes slower than a flat course such as London. His impressive finishing time of 2hrs 53 minutes resulted in an 11th place overall. His time is the fastest this year for a Tewkesbury runner. With his local half marathon to come in two weeks time, his home fans could be in for a treat.
Joining Baker at Stratford was Adrian Lavery who too had a pleasing race although a little slower than he had anticipated. Again, the nature of the course and the warm air played its part. Lavery's time of 3hrs 24 minutes placed him in 122nd place.