After the first two Club Championship races, the early leaders are in-form Andy and Angie. Steve is in the great form too and looks to challenge Roger for his male Vets title. Good to see Mick Morris returning to the race scene and welcome to Bev Thomas who's making her debut along with Lisa Kane. Next event, Bourton 10km is a sell-out. Hereford 5km date is awaiting confirmation, the rest ARE confirmed and can be found on the club notice board.
31 Hawkins, Andy
29 Mansfield, Jon
25 Draper, Jason
22 Bennett, Roger
20 Sadler, Angie
19 Hall, Simon
18 Wiggall, Steve
16 Rawlings, Jon
15 Dudfield, Stuart
15 Sentance, Clive
13 Knight, Rob
12 Dudfield, Cathy
9 Buchan, Stuart
9 Morris, Mick
6 Howells, Phil
6 Jordan, Rob
6 Thomas, Beverly
4 Kane, Lisa