Tewkesbury's offroad specialist Bradley Crouch gives his opinions on some future event....
"Well after race the train... a couple more might be interested in some off road events:
First there is the Grizzly (info taken from here)
The Grizzly is an 18-mile multi-terrain race organised by Axe Runners based in Devon . It's by no means the toughest race around, but as the organisers suggest, the Grizzly is “twentyish muddy, hilly, boggy, beachy miles of the multiest-terrain edge-of-sanity running experience you will find this side of the end of time.”Trying to enter Grizzley, entry forms are out on the 10 September and race fills within two weeks.
I believe there will be camping with the AA (Almost Atheletes) for those would like to camp. I have talked to several people about this run and they all give glowing reports (and yes it is very hard, but such is life). I believe entry forms will be available from here. This race will stand you in good stead for Man versus Horse (24 miles of hills).
Secondly The Worcestershire Beacon Race which is run from Malvern, this is only a 7 miles course and all you who did the Breadon training run should easily be able to complete the course. Course is roughly 3 miles up zig zagging up hill, 1 mile flat and 3 miles down hill (roughly in that order). Entry forms are out now, I have one floating about which can be photocopied otherwise you will need to get in contact with John Brooks (can't find online entry form):
John Brook,
Spring Lane South
WR14 1AT
Ph: 01684 572314
There are several other race of notable mentioning:
Suicide Six (19th November). Note no entry on day as it gets sold out several weeks before. This is a nice muddy coarse with a stream crossing in freezing water. Very enjoyable. More details here. Entry forms are online on RunnersWorld web site.
Muddy Woody (Feb 19th), name says it all apart for distance which is 6 miles.. This is also enjoyable, but collides with Dursley Dozen.
Dursley Dozen (Feb 19th), another 6 miles on the Muddy Woody, not as muddy. Quite enjoyable, but you get a nice T-shirt on the Muddy Woody.
Stourbridge Stagger (Early Feb), another muddy course.
Stourbridge Stumble (June), not so muddy but a couple of hills to keep you interested.
Halesowen Hillock 10 (June), nice off road course.. If memory serves me correctly it is a hilly 10 miles