Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Glos x/c league, Jan 07

Just four Tewkesbury AC runners tackled the final XC event of the season. Staged at Drotwich in difficult conditions over an equally difficult course, it was just Lisa Kane who flew the flag in the women's race. Kane came in 56th position in a time of 34 minutes.

With Andy Hawkins stepping in to help Mick Morris with the organization on the day, Jon Rawlings produced the fastest Tewkesbury run. Rawlings just made the top 40 in a competitive field. Jason Draper came in ahead of Phillip Howells in 118th and 129th place respectively.


56th Lisa Kane 34.14


40th Jon Rawlings 40.16
118th Jason Draper 57.18
129th Phil Howells 63.13