Sunday, June 03, 2007

Bath AC Hilly 10

Mike Ward reports....

On Sat 26th May I ran the Bath AC Hilly 10 after an enjoyable curry meal in great company the night before. Many thanks to Cathy again for arranging another club social evening which Pam and I always enjoy.

Why the Hilly 10 some ask? Well, because I am a member of the South West Vets I like to run their series of championship events over different distances at attractive venues such as Exmouth, Bath, Bournemouth,Portland Bill etc. This years 10 mile championship race was in the Bath Hilly 10.

The course for the Hilly 10 is in the countryside south of Bath and only 47 miles of motorway/dual carriageway from Churchdown.

The weather for the race was superb(unlike the rest of the week-end) and there were 141 entries which is about normal for this event. The course is 8 miles of country lanes and 2 miles of main road to finish. A beautiful undulating course with outstanding views from the summits. The 3 main villages on route were set in hollows so brakes had to be applied on descending with preparation for the climb outs. Not knowing the course beforehand I was apprehensive but as I progressed through the race I enjoyed it. The were some good stretches for nice running BUT the last mile was 16% uphill and I finished in 1.30.16 - 112 of 141.The winning time was 58.58 and apparently there is a £200 bonus prize for anyone dipping under 50.00. So get cracking lads!.

The highest award is 60+ but as I was 1st 70+ Bath AC kindly presented me with a bottle of nice wine.

In conclusion!!!!!! this was an enjoyable country race and now I know the
course hope to do a lot better next time around.

Now the Bath Hilly 10 is over I shall have to start some serious training
for Bourton Hilly 1/2 in June!