Monday, July 24, 2006

Bourton Mile Race, 15/07/06

Jon reports...
A small collective of athletes from Tewkesbury raced over the mile. The event was the Gloucestershire county mile championships as well as part of the Glos road race series (GRRS). Four runners entered the senior event and two collected category medals. Mick Morris finished in the silver medal position after timing 6.28 minutes. Excellent for the V60 runner who has been troubled with knee injuries for two years. Sandie Harwood impressed again. This time the Overbury athlete who, currently occupies second place in the GRRS, produced a 6.46 minute mile to finish second in the LV35 category. Barry O'Driscoll and Jon Mansfield had contrasting races. Mansfield broke the five minute mark for the first time while O'Driscoll ran with his 3yr son Benjamin and came in on 10.45mins - outstanding time for the youngest competitor who beat several runners up to three times his age. Callum Harwood ran with relative ease to record 7.03 and claim runners-up spot in the fun run - although it later appeared that the 12yr son of Sandie won!

12th 4.58 Jon Mansfield
46th 6.28 Mick Morris
51st 6.46 Sandie Harwood
58th 7.03 Callum Harwood
79th 10.45 Benjamin O'Driscoll
80th 10.45 Bas O'Driscoll