Monday, July 10, 2006
Sport Relief Mile
In what can only described as an act of pure vanity, your blogmeister threw caution to the wind and took on all comers at Farmor's School last Friday afternoon. In keeping with custom, I had tapered fully by spending 3 days (and most of 2 nights) keeping year 8 in order on a residential trip, only escaping for an early morning run on the Devon Coastal path. The coach had only been back at school a matter of minutes when I had to change in my office, pull on a pair of trainers and head out for the track. Rivals from the staff were quickly left behind, and I was left to brave the bumps and holes of the school back straight, finishing in a creditable 5:14. Regrettably this was not enough to beat the time of 5:09 set earlier in the day by a sixth former, who also won a fiver in a bet from one of my colleagues. Recovery this weekend was spent in close scrutiny of age - adjusted tables..........