Saturday, December 23, 2006
Xmas Cracker 10K
Myself, Stuart and Carol travelled to a sunny but crisp Weston-Super-Mare for the annual Christmas Cracker 10k. It was a nice flat course but because most of it is run on the beach this made it very hard work given the rain we have had of late. In some places it was just like clay which made it very sticky to run on. However we all had pleasing run's with Stu having a comfortable race finishing 138th in 43 mins. Given the amount of running he's been doing lately he was pleased with his effort. Next in was myself & as i've been unwell AGAIN this week with the same symptons as last time, i had a good run. I came 201st in a time of 44:52 which was only 5 secs of my PB, so again a really pleasing effort. Carol also ran well, again claiming her age catorgory prize. This was her 3rd attempt at this course so knew pretty much what to expect. She came home 227th in a time of 45:35.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Andy's Christmas List
The Christmas 5 Mile Handicap Cross Country Race
When: Sat 23 Dec 2006
Time: 14:30
Where: Plock Court, Gloucester
Other Info: Registration from 13:30
Prizes –First 10 to finish
Fastest Actual Time in Each Group
Cost: £3.00 (attached) £4.00 (unattached) (50p surcharge on day)
Christmas 4 Mile Run
When: Wed 27 Dec 2006
Time: 11:30
Where: Pilot Inn, Hardwicke (nr Gloucester)
Other Info: Extensive Prize List
Cost: £3.50 (attached) £5.50 (unattached) (surcharge on day)
New Years Day 5 Mile Road Race
When: Mon 1 Jan 2007
Time: 11:30
Where: Pilot Inn, Hardwicke (nr Gloucester)
Other Info: Extensive Prize List
Team Prizes
Cost: £3.50 (attached) £5.50 (unattached) (surcharge on day)
N.B The New Year Day 5 is the first of the King of Road races
Monday, December 11, 2006
X/C league 11/12/06 - Plock Court

The weather was perfect for cross country, dry, sunny with very little wind. However conditions underfoot was not perfect as there was plenty of sticky mud and puddles of water to splash through. This turned a flat boring course into a real test.
First to race was Charlotte Mowbray who having raced that morning in the Gloucestershire Schools Senior Girls race took part in the U17G race. She performed admirably and must have been very tired. Although she was a bit disappointed with her performance, having raced twice within 2 hours it was a great effort.
In the Senior Ladies race our regular stalwarts, Angie Sadler and Carol Cowley were our representatives. Angie was first in for the club in 8th place with Carol in 33rd. Both were pleased with their efforts.
In the Senior Men's race the clubs representatives were Andy Hawkins, Jon Rawlings, Roger Bennett, Jason Draper and Phil Howells. Andy Hawkins was first in 40th place. He started off steady and maintained a consistent pace throughout. Although he has run better it was a slight improvement to the poor performance at Pitville Park. Next in was Jon Rawlings in 61st. This was his first outing of the cross country season, a welcome addition to the team as he normally takes part in Triathlons. After that there was Roger Bennett in 94th, this was his first race for a while, Jason Draper in 123rd, and Phil Howells in 157th.
Although we did not have team scores for either Men or Women at least we were represented and this is the most we have had in the men's race.
Summary of the results are as follows:
Charlotte Mowbray 7th 14:28
Senior Ladies
Angie Sadler 8th 25:01
Carol Cowley 33rd 27:50
Senior Men
Andy Hawkins 40th 35:22
Jon Rawlings 61st 36:49
Roger Bennett 94th 39:15
Jason Draper 123rd 41:28
Phil Howells 157th 46:38
Gloucestershire County AAA Road Race Series 2006

Carol Cowley collected 1st place Female Vet 55, Sandie Harwood 2nd place Female Vet 35 and Phillip Howells 3rd place Male Vet 55.
All prizes were awarded by the Mayor and Sheriff of Gloucester and all members of the club had a really enjoyable evening. It was great to see support from the award winners families and also Vice Captain Andy Hawkins and Queen of the Road Angie Sadler.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
La Rochelle Marathon
As you probably know, Angie I ran the La Rochelle marathon on Sunday (last of the year - 9th and 10th for the distance or longer, respectively, this year!) and achieved 'satisfactory' results although both felt we could have gone faster had the day worked out better for us.
Angie was going extremely well until the last 5 miles when an asthma attack slowed her a little, but she still finished in an excellent 3.10, just 4 minutes off her 2005 time. I was also hoping for a sub-3-15 time, but after going very well a few weeks ago a recent hip problem and not being that well for the last two weeks made me a bit unsure if that was really on. Got to 15k at 3-16 pace though, but then injury played up a bit and got an upset tummy as well so slowed a bit to eventually record 3-26, still my third fastest marathon ever (have set all 3 fastest times in this event).
Full result:
Angie Sadler 3.10.17 chip time (3.11.16 gun time), 647 of some 6,600 finishers and 2nd in her female vets category
Phillip Howells 3.26.20 chip time (3.27.20 gun time), 1,464 overall and 28th in my male vets category
It's a great event, certainly one of the best organised and being quite a way south has much milder weather in November than here. This year it was a lovely, sunny, 17 degrees C on the day and we had high hopes of good performances. We had attended the massive pasta party the previous evening and lined up with a record 8,099 competitors in what is rated as France's second marathon. The circuit is a quick, double circuit figure of eight so spectators can see (and encourage!) runners five times during the race without moving. There is a bit of runner crowding on some parts of the course which can slow you if going for a fast time, but it is not as unmanageable as in the really big events. The crowds are excellent and there are chip times for every 5kms plus a nice touch with your anticipated finish time also displayed each 5K; not seen that anywhere else. They offer a special 'all-in' package for British runners, including collecting and returning you to the airport. Ryanair flies to La Rochelle from Standsted - our total airfare was only £85. Highly recommended for an end of season marathon.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
FoD trail run series, 26/11/06

A squad of four TAC runners travelled down to Mallards Pike for the multi-distance running events. With over 200 runners toeing the start line, the forest trails were subject to some quality off-road running. The morning's stellar performance came from club captain Cathy Dudfield. The evergreen athlete selected to race the three lap, 15.4km course. And despite, feeling uncharacteristically unwell the day before, Dudfield filled her lungs with forest air and went on to claim the runners-up spot in the women's field. As well as collecting a fabulous trophy, she bagged valuable series points towards the £500 prize fund. Jon Mansfield, the 2005 series runner-up collected points too. Far from his best efforts, the triathlete found the going tough 25 minutes into the race. His running became uncouth towards the finish and had to settle for an overall 8th place. Still finding his fitness, Barry O'Driscoll picked this event as tempo training. He finished within his target time after having to stop to stretch mid-race. Stuart Dudfield choose to run the 10.4km event. It was worked as a quality training run and the morning went to plan as the Tewkesbury runner was pleased by his efforts.
19th Stuart Dudfield 46.26
8th Jon Mansfield 1.02.46
24th Cath Dudfield 1.12.37
28th Barry O'Driscoll 1.16.03
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Suicide Six
I managed to enter the Suicide Six with some friends. It had all the things I enjoy in a good run, some nice up and down hill, constant barge of mud to wade in...
I managed to get around the course in 46:44, which is a personal best for me (beating previous time by about 90 seconds). My final place was 60th out of 644.
My next race planned is Mortimer Forrest on December the 10th.
X/C league 18/11/06 report
6th Charlotte Mowbray 24.28 mins
12th Angie Sadler 26.38
30th Cathy Dudfield 28.46
31st Carol Cowely 28.47
67th Lisa Kane 31.49
44th Andy Hawkins 36.07
131st Sturt Dudfield 41.32
132nd Jon Mansfield 41.40
152nd Rob Jordan 43.16
160th Phil Howells 44.23
192nd Martyn Draper 51.39
Sunday, November 19, 2006
County Road Race Series 2007
Bath 4 miles, 4/11/06
Lisa and I visited Bath on Saturday 4th November for the 33rd Bath Victoria Park 4 mile road race, and as the entry form promised, it was a good honest event, a race for runners in a beautiful traffic free park. This year it was run in glorious sunshine and crisp bracing air.Lisa produced a fine run to finish 4th senior lady and 8th lady overall in a new Pb of 31.48 minutes. I jogged round in 26.10 mins, then we went Christmas shopping! Next year it's November 3rd for anyone not racing GF5.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Sodbury Slog
Friday, November 10, 2006
Tewkesbury AC at the GF5
Runners enjoyed a bumper Guy Fawkes 5 event in Tewkesbury. Host club Tewkesbury AC pulled out all the stops to accommodate a record 351 entrants. In fantastic conditions, dry, little wind and warming sunshine, athletes from all over Britain made the trip to Tewkesbury School to enter this popular annual five mile run.The race was also the Gloucestershire five mile championships and featured keen runners from all the local clubs.However, it was two runners from outside the county that took the top honours. Elite veteran runner, Mike Cadman from Birmingham tore through the country lane course at 5.05 minute mile pace to win by almost a minute ahead of Worcester's Chris Wilson. Meanwhile, the ladies race was won by 26year old Hayley Jennings, also from the West Midlands, by a similar margin. Severn AC's Sian Lewis was runner-up.Tewkesbury AC themselves were represented by twelve runners. All of them had fine runs with several life time best 5M times. Simon Hall returned to racing after a paternity hiatus to claim the top spot for the club. Angie Sadler fitted the event in between her six and seventh marathon of the year to lead the club ladies home. Sadler claimed the V45 title and finished 4th overall. Exciting prospect Charlotte Mowbray won the junior ladies title. Clubcaptain Cathy Dudfield was in the prizes as she finished 2nd in the V35 category. Big performances also included Stuart Buchan who ran a personal best time to finish 4th for the club. Lisa Kane, despite running the day before, also Pb'd.Andy Hawkins landed inside the top twenty-five and Phillip Howells finishedthe last mile strongly in the V50 category. Beverly Thomas and Wes Reid held off recent niggles to record pleasing times. Novice 5M runner, Tracey O'Driscoll beat her target time with ease accompanied by husband Barry who's feeling his way back into running after a two month lay off.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Guy Fawkes 5 results
Monday, October 30, 2006
Snowdonia Marathon, 29/10/06

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
BUPA Great South Run
Stuart Buchan reports.....
I made my way down to Portsmouth at the weekend to take part in the BUPA Great South Run, lining up with 18,000 other runners on a VERY wet and VERY windy Sunday morning.
I was hoping to get another PB but the atrocious weather conditions put paid to that - however, I did manage a respectable 67.57 minutes, finishing in 314th place, which was only 14 seconds off my current PB.
As soon as the race started the heavens opened, however, I managed to maintain a good pace round most of the 10 mile course and was still on course for a PB until the last 2 miles which were into a headwind and sidewind! But I managed a good sprint finish at the end for the cameras! Then it was back to the hotel for a hot shower and some hobnobbing with the TV Times/Leukaemia Research celebrity runners (more B list than A list though - unless you're an Emmerdale fan!).
My daughters Alys and Liesl also took part in the Mini South Run on the Saturday morning (in lovely sunshine!) and finished their 1 mile course in an excellent 12.48 and 12.56 respectively to their immense pride and got a lovely medal to show off as well!
Despite the weather though it was a thoroughly enjoyable and fantastically well organised weekend of races.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Stroud ½ Marathon - 22nd October 2006.
Tewkesbury AC had fourteen representatives in the county's biggest race of the year. The event produced some outstanding performances with Tewkesbury runners securing three top 10 category placings.
The Dudfield household was certain to hold a ‘post-race partying’ after both husband and wife recorded impressive personal best times. Stuart Dudfield started the race quicker than planned, however, he worked hard enough during the later miles to cross the finish line in under 1hr 35 mins, over 2 minutes quicker than his previous best time. Wife Cathy wasn’t going to miss the party as the Club Captain reduced her pb time by nearly 2 minutes. Both athletes had been focusing on this event for months and it paid off with Cathy finishing 8th in her very competitive V35 category.
Bredon’s Carol Cowley successfully defended her V55 title she won last year. A time of 1hr 40 mins gave the gifted runner an overall position of 466th from a starting line-up of 1,600.
Mike Ward placed runner-up in the 70+ cat after timing 1hr 51 mins.
Lottie Mowberry, the club’s youngest athlete, attempted her first ½ marathon. It was a success as the 17yr old recorded 1hr 48 mins.
Tewkesbury’s fastest run of the day was recorded by the club’s No1 runner, Andy Hawkins. A swift time of 1hr 18 mins was off his best, nevertheless, a top 30 placing for the second year in succession for the 35 yr old. Experienced marathon runner, Clive Baker, completed the 13.1 mile course in 1hr 24 mins. Baker had a tremendous final 5 miles to finish 12th in the V40 category. Jason Draper marked his third autumn ½ marathon solidly. The vice-captain capped a fine performance by beating Jon Mansfield to the line in 1hr 26 mins. Draper raced tactfully and displayed no sympathy as he pasted struggling Mansfield during the home straight. Nigel Tillott and Adrian Lavery also had a race to remember. Improving Tillott had the edge on his team mate after a race long contest, finishing just 10 seconds ahead of long distance runner Lavery.
Ultra-distance talent, Phillip Howells raced well although, slightly down on last years time. He came in just ahead of star-man Dudfield in 1hr 34 mins. Wesley Reid completed the Tewkesbury contingent. Reid was hampered by a knee niggle partway through the course. The local rugby star needed to reduce pace and came in outside his target time in 2hr 19 mins. Inside the top 1,500 and with his second ½ m under his belt, the up and coming runner will now be aiming for the popular Tewkesbury GUY FAWKES 5 mile event on Sunday 5th November (11am start)
27th Andy Hawkins 1.18.42
74th Clive Baker 1.24.26
96th Jason Draper 1.26.11
104th Jon Mansfield 1.26.29
178th Nigel Tillott 1.30.09
184th Adrian Lavery 1.30.22
261st Phillip Howells 1.33.58
271st Stuart Dudfield 1.34.27 (pb)
374th Cathy Dudfield 1.38.13 (pb)
466th Carol Cowley 1.40.55
762nd Charlotte Mowberry 1.48.43 (pb)
848th Michael Ward 1.51.31
1,421st Wes Reid 2.19.47
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Cardiff Half, 15/10/06
Steve W reports..
Took part in the Cardiff Half yesterday morning and felt much better than Bristol 4 weeks ago. Got round this one in 1:40:37, which was 5 mins and 20s faster than Bristol. I finished 799th out of 5755 finishers, with 25 not finishing. There were a further 1246 in the marathon, including Andy Gore from Cheltenham Harriers and a few Angels and Almost Athletes.
Good run overall and a good steady pace and overall pretty happy, good course, basically flat wih a great finish in the Millenium Stadium.
Next stop Stroud on Sunday, then a rest !
Monday, October 16, 2006
Blenheim 10km, 15/10/06
Sister Kane was delighted with her performance. The course was testing as it cut through the regal grounds so a finishing time 51 minutes was outstanding for the improving runner.
16th Jason Draper 39.33
212th Lisa Kane 50.58
477 finished.
Glos X-C #1, 14/10/06

Tewkesbury fielded skeleton teams for first of this seasons XC events. Black Bridge in Gloucester was the venue and the racing attracted not just the top local teams but also several of the regions best.
With junior races starting first, it wasn’t until the afternoon that a competitive ladies race started. 2012 Olympic prospect Emily Pigeon lead from start to finish however, Tewkesbury’s very own accomplished international runner, Angie Sadler display her familiar grace as she lead the Tewkesbury team of three over a non-demanding 7.1 km course. Sadler finished in 12th place with only some great XC talent ahead of her.
Club Captain Cathy Dudfield was just two minutes behind her team mate in 31st position. Pleasing, as the Captain’s target race is just 8 days away in Stroud. One minute later, veteran talent, Carol Cowley crossed the line scooping another V55 1st place. The Bredon runner will also be running in the Stroud ½ Marathon - defending her 2005 V55 crown.
The team of three formidable females won the vets competition.
The men’s team were two runners short of the requisite six. Nevertheless, Tewkesbury’s XC sectary Andy Hawkins, demonstrated expert XC running. Setting off at a good pace and not letting it slip during the men’s 11.2km course. Despite producing a good performance, the high level of competition meant that Hawkins had to settle for a top 25 placing. Satisfying as the clubs best distance runner has the Stroud ½ Marathon as a priority too. One minute behind Hawkins came Jon Mansfield. Mansfield paid the price for keeping pace with Hawkins for the first 15 minutes as a convoy of ten runners passed the struggling Triathlete late on. Stuart Dudfield set off at a controlled pace and maintained it throughout. Hampered by a niggle mid-race, he finished strongly. Phillip Howells produced another fine example of pace control. The ultra-distance runner had a faultless run in the first of a Gloucestershire series of four events over the winter.
Women 7.1km
12th Angie Sadler 31.13
31st Cathy Dudfield 33.27
34th Carol Cowley 34.28
From 84 finishers
Men 11.2km
23rd Andy Hawkins 40.01
32nd Jon Mansfield 41.09
88th Stuart Dudfield 46.52
107th Phillip Howells 49.32
From 141 finishers
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Weekend race news
Jason Draper shock off a recent bout of influenza in time to start the Kenilworth ½ Marathon. After not training for 10 days, the club vice-captain ran at a controlled pace with perfection to collect a finishing time of 1hr 29.45 seconds. It was a top 50 placing over an undulating course in which 700 runners started.
In the Forest of Dean, Jon Mansfield raced the Duathlon centred around Lydbrook. After the first 5km through the forest, the Tewkesbury athlete was lying in 8th, two minutes off the leaders. The 10 mile cycle leg was successful as Mansfield rode back into transition just seconds behind the leader. The final 5km decided the final outcome as the 39 yr old came in third to make his 12th podium finish of 2006.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Triathlon News!
Eastnor Castle was the setting for the first ever locally staged ½ Ironman distance triathlon. Tewkesbury AC’s Phillip Howells and Jon Mansfield took part in the event. Both athletes were novices at this type of distance. The challenge started with a two lap swim in the Castle lake before cycling a four lap course over the Malverns, taking in 54 miles of climbing and descending. The final discipline was 10 miles of tough running through Eastnor deer park.
Howells, relatively new to swimming, was pleased to be back on dry land after 52 minutes of swimming in a partially muddy lake! The ultra-distance athletes swim went to plan. However, what wasn’t on the plan was a trio of set backs while cycling. A snapped gear cable was one handicap the experience cyclist had to contend with - a major problem on a course where a minimum of 18 gears is crucial. After a smooth transition, the Ledbury competitor, set off at pace into the 10 miles of running. His pace never slackened and went on the cross the finish line in 6 hours and 4 minutes. Finishing position was 95th.
Jon Mansfield’s race went pleasingly. Pleased to complete the muddy lake swim in 25 minutes which left the 38 year old in 33rd position. His cycle ride went better than expected although it wasn’t until the fourth lap that the leading female triathele was caught. Setting off on the run being pursued by the fast moving female challenger, Mansfield was able to catch another runner ahead and settled into 14th position before having to sprint finish to hold off the 1st place woman. Mansfield recorded 4 hours and 22 minutes.
The top placed Three Counties finisher was Jon Rawlings, racing for Tri Team Glos, in 9th place.
126 athletes entered the race of which, 100 completed the course.
Two Tewkesbury AC athletes raced at Newent for the 18th annual sprint distance triathlon. With the unfortunate withdrawals of Barry O’Driscoll and Sandie Harwood, it was just Barbara Dunn and Jon Mansfield who were treated to spectacular thunder and lighting during a 3 hour deluge. Dunn, making her return to racing after an 18 month hiatus, didn’t let the weather affect her day as she was very satisfied to complete the event in under 1 ½ hours. That time gave the locally based competitor 144th place overall. Mansfield, the 2005 winner, took on the waterlogged lanes with caution. By the time the triathlete had started the run the sky started to clear and the rain stopped. A finishing time of 55 minutes meant that the runners-up spot was his this time. The overall winner had 36 seconds to his credit.
X/C Relays - full report
Tewkesbury AC gained unprecedented success at the annual cross-country relays. Tewkesbury fielded two teams, one male and one female. While the men’s team was the same formidable line-up as last years event, the ladies team was a fine blend of youth and experience.
The race started in mass and first to take on the fast, flat 2 mile circuit was in-form Andy Hawkins and talented Angie Sadler. The first leg competition was immense as some of the South West regions leading athletes were on show. Nevertheless, the Tewkesbury pair kept their concentration well and tagged team mates, Clive Sentance and Lotty Mowbray respectively. Sentence, who’s renowned for his shorter distance speed, ran superbly to keep the men’s team in contention. Mowbray, a few days before her 17th birthday and fuelled with adrenaline, ran superbly too.
At half way point, the race became clear as both TAC teams were running in bronze medals positions. Third legs were run by Jon Mansfield and Carol Cowley. Mansfield having the benefit of the second placed Gloucester AC just 50 yards ahead, just needed keep the competition within distance, while Cowley found herself isolated and needed to run against herself, which she did with expertise.
For the final 2 miles, Simon Hall was handed the task of running down the silver medal position. With a 15 yard gap to bridge, Hall timed his run perfectly as he overtook the Gloucester AC runner within ½ mile to go on to record the fastest club time of the day.
A different story for the ladies as final leg runner Cathy Dudfield was up against a healthy Bourton team. With a 500 yard gap to bridge, it was a bridge too far. Dudfield gave 100% to make good time and ensure the ladies took 3rd place.
Men’s Team = 41.41 minutes
Andrew Hawkins @ 10.30
Clive Sentence @ 10.27
Jon Mansfield @ 10.27
Simon Hall @ 10.17
Women’s Team = 51.41 minutes
Angie Sadler @ 11.38
Lotty Mowbray @ 13.29
Carol Cowley @ 13.27
Cathy Dudfield @ 13.07
Sunday, October 01, 2006
County X/C Relays, 30/09/06

Cathy D reports....
I would just like to say well done & a big thankyou to all those who took part in the X-country relays today. We all did extremely well with the men's team taking silver medals in the Glos AAA series & the ladies taking bronze. An extra well done must go to Charlotte who ran an excellent 2nd leg especially as this was her first time out representing the club. Thanks to our supporters, Sophie Sentance and Rob and Sally Jordan.
Monday, September 25, 2006
100th Posting!!
Cirencester 10K, 24/09/06
A number of Tewkesbury AC travelled to take part in the Cirencester 10K on Sunday 24th September. It was a large field of 600 starters who ran in good conditions. The route was through the grounds of Cirencester Park which was undulating in places.First home for the club was Jason in 25th place. He produced another solid run finishing in a time of 38:53s. He was followed home by Adrian and Stu Buchan who finished in 74th and 75th places. Adrian posted a time of 42:40s with Stuart 42:48s carrying on with his good form after injury.I was next up and first Tewkesbury female in 123rd place after a good run in a time of 45:38s. Carol had a pleasing run and took another FV55 prize (A rather nice fruit bowl) finishing in a time of 47:30s and in 167th place.She also won her age catagory as part of the Glos Road Race series.Completing the team were Lisa and Helena. Lisa was happy with her run and finished in a time of 51:43s and 258th place. Helena also enjoyed her run and completed in just outside 65mins.
Club results:
25th - Jason Draper - 38:53s
74th - Adrian Lavery - 42:40s
75th - Stu Buchan - 42:48s
123rd - Cathy Dudfield - 45:38s
167th - Carol Cowley - 47:24s
258th - Lisa Kane - 51:43s
????? - Helena Turner - 65:00s (Approx time)
All the above times are individual times as the official times were around 5 seconds slower. Stuart's time was missed from the official sheet but he followed Adrian in who was 74th.
Also.......Stourport 10K...Amanda took part in the Stourport 10k. In her words "It was a nice course for a hard training run, but not so nice for a race." She set a time of44:53s which claimed the LV35 prize and 5th lady overall.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Winschoten 50k Holland
I felt privileged to be asked to be part of the English team as after I qualified at the Boddington 50k, and I can say it was an amazing experience!The team were so much younger than myself -- but a unique friendly bunch of guys!! So good to spend time with the names we hear of so often --- Dominic Croft (came in 2nd -- 3.08.52) Rod Harris etc. My race was strong, slower than Boddingtons, due to being extremely hot. The course was 5 laps and very twisty! My time was 3hr 49mins and I felt good at the finish. (5th lady home, 17th overall out of 50 that had gone there qualified.) The whole trip was long - from Amsterdam it was 280miles on 5 different trains, time to get to know all the team & managers well! I stayed with a great family with Louise Cooper who came in at Boddington just in front of me -- but I came in 5mins in front of her in Holland! (She 's a great girl!). Winschoten has this event every year with the major attraction of about 80 runners in the 100k, they decorate every street with flags from all countries, people sit out all day cheering us on. It was good to have the experience. Now do I go for a 100k in 2008!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Club Handicap, September 06
A big thankyou from me to those who helped and competed in the final handicap and to all those who have done so throughout the whole series. I am sure you will agree that is has been a great success and I hope that the series will become a regular feature on the club calendar.
A fine run from Rob Jordan saw him take the final race ahead of the ever-consistent Brad. However, a third podium position in four races for Charlotte sees her become the inaugural handicap champion, very well done to her. Brad and Nigel share the runners-up spot having the same number of points, having run the same number of races and having the same amount of head to head victories so they cannot be separated.
The results of the final race and the final standings follow:
Position Name Points Rank Elapsed Time
1 ROB J 5 10 36:31
2 BRAD 4 4 31:58
3 CHARLOTTE 3 12 38:49
4 CAROL 2 11 37:00
5 CLIVE S 1 1 29:41
6 CATH 1 8 35:56
7 CLIVE B 1 2 30:02
8 STU B 1 6 34:45
9 PHIL 1 9 36:05
10 JON M 1 3 30:52
11 STEVE W 1 7 35:47
12 NIGEL 1 5 33:00
13 MIKE 1 13 41:42
Position Name Grand Total
1 CHARLOTTE 13 (4)
2 BRAD 10 (4)
2 NIGEL 10 (4)
4 ANG 9 (4)
5 SANDY 9 (5)
6 ROB J 8 (4)
7 MIKE 8 (5)
8 CAROL 8 (6)
9 ROGER 7 (3)
10 PHIL 7 (3)
11 JON M 6 (5)
12 CATH 6 (6)
13 STEVE W 4 (4)
14 STEVE J 3 (1)
15 STU D 3 (2)
16 BEV 3 (2)
17 BARRY 3 (2)
18 CLIVE B 2 (2)
19 STEVE D 2 (2)
20 OTHERS 1 (1)
Monday, September 18, 2006
White horse 5
9 Tewkesbury AC members took part in the latest Club Championship race onSaturday at the White Horse, Sandhurst. In near perfect conditions there were some excellent results all round with numerous prizes and PB's gained. 1st home for the club was Andy who ran well finishing in 6th place overallin a time of 28:51s. Jason followed in a time of 30:52s taking the prize for10th overall male. Sue continued her build up towards the world 100K championship taking the LV40 prize in a time of 31:10s.Stu D ran his 2nd race in 3 days and set a new PB for the distance by aminute in a time of 32:33s. He was closely followed home by Adrian and StuB. Adrian completed the course in a time of 32:46s with Stu B setting yet aanother PB in 32:53s. Amanda was next home taking the LV35 prize in a time of 34:42s closelyfollowed by myself breaking the 35 minute mark for a new PB in 34:57s. Carolcompleted the contingent finishing in 36:09s and taking yet another LV55title.The ladies team took 2nd place in team event, missing out by 1 point fromBourton. Below are all the results.
6th - Andy 28:51s
13th - Jason 30:52s
16th - Sue 31:10s (1st LV40)
23rd - Stu D 32:33s (PB)
25th - Adrian 32:46s
26th - Stu B 32:53s (PB)
35th - Amanda 34:42s (1st LV35)
37th - Cathy 34:57s (PB)
40th - Carol 36:09s (1st LV55)
2nd Ladies team by 1 point.
Bristol half marathon
Hi Folks,
Back from Bristol half which was this morning. Started late due to so many people (15,000) and quite warm. Anyway that's the excuses over. My time was 1hr:45m:55s. Bit disappointed with time but main aim was to get round as training not being going that well due to niggle in the glutes region, which is now quite painful. So overall okay. Saw Lisa after the turn at Portway, on the other side of the carriageway, she must have only been about a mile behind me. Official results on the Bristol half website from 9pm tonight.
Cheers and hope to see Wednesday if I can run by then !
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Wine Winning Women Win Wine once more!
A healthy squad of Tewkesbury AC runners made the easy trip to Haresfield to take part in the annual 10km event hosted by The Angels RC.
This is always popular run for the Tewkesbury based club and even more popular as several runners produced pleasing performances.
First club vest to cross the finish line in a time of 40 minutes dead was Angie Sadler. Sadler, a multi-distance specialist won the V45 category with ease - just what she needed ahead of her international debut in Winschoten. Watch this space for hot news from Holland and the IAU 50k Trophy.
Stuart Buchan followed next and timed his second 10km personal best of the weekend. Just 16 hours before the in-form runner set his new best at 43.15 mins only to slice it down to 42.25 mins over the Beacon course. Next up for the improving performer is the Great South Run.
Buchan's neighbour and next to finish, Barry O'Driscoll timed 43.34 - very pleasing, as the athlete has been nursing a hamstring niggle.
Club captain, Cathy Dudfield led Carol Cowley home. Dudfield showed measured improvement over previous Beacon runs. To compound her fine show, the captain took away wine for finishing second V35 - only missing out on top spot by ONE second! Cowley demonstrated her ability as she claimed 1st prize in the V55.
Super-vet, Mike Ward running in the V70 category timed 50 minutes and was contented with his race after suffering several niggles of late.
37thAngie Sadler 00:40:001st LV45
56thStuart Buchan 00:42:25PB
68thBarry O'Driscoll 00:43:34
78thCathy Dudfield 00:45:38
90thCarol Cowley 00:47:391st LV55
106thMike Ward 00:50:44
Macmillan 10km, Westonbirt
21st Stuart Buchan 43.15
237th Tracy O'Driscoll 1:20.52
Friday, September 15, 2006
On Thursday 14th September I travelled down to Romsey in Hampshire with 3 colleagues to represent Gloucestershire Police in the Police Sport UK 10 Mile Road Race. We travelled down in torrential rain but fortunately arrived to better weather. A large field of over 400 entries from forces all over the country took the start of a 2 lap course run in the grounds of a stately home. I decided after recent races (which resulted in poor results!!) to start a little slower but still managed a sub 7 minute first mile. After a first lap of 35:50s i managed to pick up the pace and ran comfortably for the final lap. A final mile of 6:25s saw me complete in a time of 70:20s and a placing of 122nd. Although just outside my PB it was by far one of my best runs this year.
That said......I have stiil got a bit more training to do to catch the winner who did a time of 52:03s!!! A pint of local bitter (no I wasn't driving!!) and a pork roll wrapped up the proceedings very nicely.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
KoTR update
| 149 |Jon |Mansfield |
| 138 |Jason |Draper |
| 118 |Roger |Bennett |
| 108 |Angie |Sadler |
| 102 |Andy |Hawkins |
| 95 |Stuart |Dudfield |
| 83 |Cathy |Dudfield |
| 82 |Nigel |Tillott |
| 72 |Steve |Wiggall |
| 64 |Carol |Cowley |
| 56 |Phillip |Howells |
| 46 |Barry |O'Driscoll|
| 38 |Sandie |Harwood |
| 35 |Sue |Bruce |
| 31 |Lisa |Kane |
| 29 |Jon |Rawlings |
| 26 |Clive |Sentence |
| 25 |Stuart |Buchan |
| 22 |Mike |Ward |
| 21 |Bev |Thomas |
| 19 |Simon |Hall |
| 18 |Mike |Primett |
| 15 |Mick |Morris |
| 14 |Wes |Reid |
| 13 |Rob |Knight |
| 12 |Rob |Jordan |
| 10 |Clive |Baker |
| 10 |Neville |Simpson |
| 9 |Martyn |Cox |
| 7 |Anne |Robinson |
| 6 |Amanda |Martin |
Cheltenham Tri, 03/09/06
tape with a 2 minute cushion.
Oldbury 10 mile race, 03/09/06
Tewkesbury AC's 13th Club Championship race was unlucky for some as a plethora of below par performances threatened to wipe the shine off Tewkesbury taking the Ladies first team price. Included in the winning team were two of Great Britain's Ultra distance stars. Sue Bruce coasted in just30 seconds ahead of her newly selected National team mate Angie Sadler. The super smooth running pair came in 54th and 59th overall respectively and claimed category wins. Bruce, despite a stomach upset, collect the V40 prize. Sadler, who had a more pleasing experience, collect 1st V45. Thirdlady to complete the team was Cathy Dudfield. Dudfield, the club captain,ran well for the first few miles only to find the final 30 minutes demanding. All three ladies shared a substantial cash prize. With a record entry field, of which only 407 completed the course, Andy Hawkins finished inside the top ten. Hawkins is currently the club's top runner and in great form however, after failing to break the hour mark, he was baffled why he ran poorly. Jon Mansfield and Jason Draper finished
inside the top 50, with Mansfield recording 7 minutes and Draper 4 minutes slower than their best times from last years race. The wind was strong through parts of the South Gloucestershire course. Stuart Buchan coped well to record a pleasing time. Stuart Dudfield was feeling below par and ran off his best. Close behind Dudfield finishing was Phillip Howells who, claimed a top ten spot in the V55 category. Barry
O'Driscoll was hit with muscular discomfort and needed to reduce pace. While V55 talent Carol Cowley came second in category. The Bredon athlete also suffering an off day.
9th Andrew Hawkins 1:00:28
38th Jon Mansfield 1:04:52
40th Jason Draper 1:05:10
54th Susan Bruce 1:07:07
59th Angie Sadler 1:07:40
100th Stuart Buchan 1:11:49
121st Stuart Dudfield 1:14:13
130th Phil Howells 1:15:04
187th Cathy Dudfield 1:19:54
188th Bas O'Driscoll 1:19:58
222nd Carol Cowley 1:22:28
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Brad's offroad recommendations
"Well after race the train... a couple more might be interested in some off road events:
First there is the Grizzly (info taken from here)
The Grizzly is an 18-mile multi-terrain race organised by Axe Runners based in Devon . It's by no means the toughest race around, but as the organisers suggest, the Grizzly is “twentyish muddy, hilly, boggy, beachy miles of the multiest-terrain edge-of-sanity running experience you will find this side of the end of time.”Trying to enter Grizzley, entry forms are out on the 10 September and race fills within two weeks.
I believe there will be camping with the AA (Almost Atheletes) for those would like to camp. I have talked to several people about this run and they all give glowing reports (and yes it is very hard, but such is life). I believe entry forms will be available from here. This race will stand you in good stead for Man versus Horse (24 miles of hills).
Secondly The Worcestershire Beacon Race which is run from Malvern, this is only a 7 miles course and all you who did the Breadon training run should easily be able to complete the course. Course is roughly 3 miles up zig zagging up hill, 1 mile flat and 3 miles down hill (roughly in that order). Entry forms are out now, I have one floating about which can be photocopied otherwise you will need to get in contact with John Brooks (can't find online entry form):
John Brook,
Spring Lane South
WR14 1AT
Ph: 01684 572314
There are several other race of notable mentioning:
Suicide Six (19th November). Note no entry on day as it gets sold out several weeks before. This is a nice muddy coarse with a stream crossing in freezing water. Very enjoyable. More details here. Entry forms are online on RunnersWorld web site.
Muddy Woody (Feb 19th), name says it all apart for distance which is 6 miles.. This is also enjoyable, but collides with Dursley Dozen.
Dursley Dozen (Feb 19th), another 6 miles on the Muddy Woody, not as muddy. Quite enjoyable, but you get a nice T-shirt on the Muddy Woody.
Stourbridge Stagger (Early Feb), another muddy course.
Stourbridge Stumble (June), not so muddy but a couple of hills to keep you interested.
Halesowen Hillock 10 (June), nice off road course.. If memory serves me correctly it is a hilly 10 miles
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Guy Fawkes 5, November 2006
Course records are:
Senior Male 24:12 holder unknown, pre-1994
Senior Lady 28:47 Shona Crombie-Hicks (Bourton Road Runners), 2004
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Race the Train 2006, Tywyn, Wales

Sandie Harwood reports about the mud..
Four members of Tewkesbury AC made the 3 hr journey to Tywyn in Wales to take part in the 23rd Annual Race the Train Event.
Despite, drizzly and muddy conditions, this year's event was enjoyed by all four members of the club, a challenging multi-terrain 14.8mile course had runners up, down and along hills, knee deep in mud and water, through farmland and some roads too.
Angie Sadler was star performer picking up the prize for 2nd Lady Vet 45 and finishing 123rd, Bradley Crouch 136th, very much at home in this type of terrain, Sandie Harwood 493rd, this being the longest race she has done to date and Phillip Howells 494th, proving that this type of event is what he really enjoys! This was the first time Angie and Sandie had taken part in this very well organised and atmospheric event. Overall finishing field was 709.
Angie 123 1:51:34
Brad 136 1:53:04
Sandie 493 2:26:05
Phillip 494 2:26:05
Monday, August 28, 2006
Arlingham 4.4, 28/08/06
This morning, athletes including yours truly, pounded the roads around the small village of Arlingham. In the years that I have been living in the Gloucester area I have never done this race before so I thought I had better get on and do it. I was also using this race as a final sharpener before the Oldbury Power Station 10 which is this coming Sunday
The race started at 11:30 at the Red Lion pub and we did a small loop around the lanes of Arlingham before running back through the village towards the River Severn. This part of the race was quite hard work as there was a strong breeze coming off the river. The road finishes just before the river bank so we turned around a cone and then retraced our steps back towards the village. On reaching the village again we did another but different loop before finishing back at the Red Lion pub.
I did 25:27 and came fifth (I won a box of Cadbury's chocolate cookies). There was a reasonable turnout with decent quality up at the sharp end. Overall an unusual distance (4.4 miles) but quite a pleasant race to do.
Harwood has the bottle…
Tewkesbury AC’s wine cellar is becoming fuller by the day. This time it was Sandie Harwood who collected quality wine. Harwood scooped the “Most Improved award” at the Cotswold Aquathon race series. The series comprised of three races - in June, July, and August. The challenge was a 750m lake swim around the Blue flag awarded waters instantly followed by a two lap 5km run. Harwood, who is relatively new to open water swimming, was the last finisher in the June event. This fuelled her determination and she just got better and better. So good was her performances, she was called up in front of a packed awards ceremony to collect her fabulous awards.
Fellow club members Jon Rawlings and press officer Jon Mansfield also raced the series. However, they collected nothing but a peck from an angry swan!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Frank Duffy 10 Mile, 19/08/06

Clive S reports..
What better way to prepare for a 10 mile race around Dublin's Phoenix Park, than a night of generous carbo loading as depicted here? Actually the hardest bit was getting out of bed after 5 hours sleep, and negotiating the buses on a typical rainy Irish morning. After all that I was very pleased with a time of 63:25, putting me in the top 90 in a field of nearly 2000. The race was well organised and supported, the course was entirely traffic free, and I was back in the hotel for lunchtime. I can thoroughly recommend this event if you're looking for a spouse-friendly running weekend abroad.
County 10K, 24/08/06
Last night I took part in the County 10k Track Championships at the Blackbridge Track in Gloucester. In the past I have had a good record at this event, I was 1st 3 years ago and 2nd last year. However last night's field was full of quality. I finished 8th overall (4th Senior Man). I ran 35:57 (a PB of 9secs) a satisfactory performance by me, I thought, as I wanted to break the 36min barrier. There were 18 runners in the field over half made up from Bourton (most over 45). It was a pity there were no-one else from the club as there were more County medals up for grabs and I feel we could have done well. For example there was no-one in the Senior Ladies or LV35 category. The race would have been different from doing the usual Wed night run.
There was a one highlight last night, I was involved in a race where a World Record was set. The 2nd man in was an athlete from Tipton Harriers (one of the best clubs in the country). He set the best ever time by a V55 over 10,000m on the track. I am unsure of his exact time but it was around the 33min mark.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
White Horse 5K, 17/08/06
On Thursday night there was the final race in the series of 5k races around the lanes of Sandhurst near Gloucester. This race also incorporated the County 5k Championships. This meant that the field was VERY HOT in quality.
Six runners from the club punished their bodies. Below are the results.
Name Position Time
Me 25 16:56
Mike Primett 56 19:23
Adrian Lavery 68 20:16
Amanda Martin 72 20:47
Rob Jordan 77 21:58
Carol Cowley 84 21:33
As this was a County Championship race, County medals were up for grabs and I am pleased to say that our two lady runners came away with some booty. Amanda was first LV35 and Carol was first LV55. Many congratulations to them both.
There were a total of 106 finishers. The winning time was 14:44. Cheltenham Men and Bourton Ladies won their respective team prizes.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Boddington 50K
5 Sue BRUCE (2nd LV40) 3h40m30
7 Angie SADLER (1st LV45) 3h46m50
5 Adrian LAVERY (5th MV45) 4h12,04
20 Phillip HOWELLS (1st MV55) 4h31m38
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Boddington 5K, 13/08/06
3 Tewkesbury AC members took part in the 5K race which was held over a fast flat course but in unfavourable wet and windy conditions. A field of 132 took the start which included over 50 women. I was really pleased with my run finiishing in 30th position overall & 2nd female, coming away with another bottle of wine (it was very nice as well!!). My time of 21:18 was not my fastest but given the conditions I was still really happy. Carol also had a pleasing run fininshing 38th & 3rd lady in a time of 22:19. It was really nice to have 2 Tewkesbury AC ladies finishing in the top 3.
Stu completed the trio coming home 1st for the club (It doesn't happen often!!!) placing 24th overall in a time of 20:12, tho' he's still waiting to break the 20 min mark.
Handicap update - 15/08/06
Thanks to everyone who competed and to the two tooth lighter Stuart for his help. A disappointing turnout this time allowed Mike, Charlotte & Sandy to take full advantage securing the top three places and thus putting themselves right into contention for the title, with Charlotte climbing to the top of the rankings for the second time after a two race absence. Eleven of you (down to and including Cathy on the leaderboard) are in with a chance of becoming the first handicap champion going into the final race(September 13th). As ever though Mike, Charlotte & Sandie will be penalised next time out!
It is pertinent at this time for me to have a plan in the event of a tie after the last race, so I suggest that in the event of a tie for the podium places that firstly competitors shall be separated by their head to head results. If their head to head results are tied then it will be down to who has run the least amount of races. After that I may have to toss a coin. If anyone can think of a fairer or better system please let me know ASAP.
For the last race I will need two volunteers to assist me as I think it may be a better turnout. Brad has already offered but as he is still in with a chance of winning I think it would be better if he ran, so I would be grateful if a couple of you who probably aren't in contention could lend a hand.
The following are finish order with points scored and time order for the Aug 9th handicap followed by the current standings with individual races run in brackets.
1 MIKE WARD 5 8 39:27
2 CHARLOTTE 4 9 39:41
3 SANDIE H 3 7 38:02
4 BARRY 2 3 33:26
5 CATH D 1 4 35:14
6 ANG SADLER 1 2 31:30
7 CAROL C 1 5 36:40
8 ROB JORDAN 1 6 37:20
9 JON M 1 1 30:15
1 LOTTE 10 (3)
2 NIGEL 9 (3)
3 ANG 9 (4)
4 SANDIE 9 (5)
5 MIKE W 8 (4)
6 ROGER 7 (3)
7 CAROL 7 (5)
8 PHIL 6 (2)
9 BRAD 6 (3)
10 JON M 6 (4)
11 CATH 6 (5)
12 STEVE J 3 (1)
13 STU D 3 (2)
14 BEV 3 (2)
15 BARRY 3 (2)
16 ROB J 3 (3)
17 STEVE W 3 (3)
18 STEVE D 2 (2)
OTHERS 1 (1)
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
A busy weekend!
Tewkesbury Athletic club members were out in force over the weekend…
Phillip Howells was by far the most active. On Thursday, he was joined by Rob Jordan in Gloucester for the LloydsTSB Fitness 4. Racing over a 4 mile course Howells clocked a personal best time of 24.41 - a smashing time for the V55+ ultra distance specialist. Improving Jordan ran in just behind to record 27.41
21st Phillip Howells - 24.41
26th Rob Jordan - 27.41
On the Saturday Howells set off in the “Caerphilly Summits Challenge”, an off-road run over an infamous hilly 22 miles. After an event as tough as that, you would think that Sunday could only be a day of rest? Not for Howells, as the Ledbury based multi-distance, multi-sport athlete raced in a demanding 100 mile cycle time-trial. Despite puncturing, a time of 5.45hrs was all it took for the veteran star to reach the century.
Vice-club captain Jason Draper also travelled west. The runner took on the Tenbury Wells Round Table 10km, set over a picturesque course through Herefordshire & Worcestershire. Fast times were off the menu as the runners were reduced to walking up one particular steep section after 5km. Draper recorded a time of 40.55 mins to finish 19th from a field of 178.
Barry O’Driscoll & Jon Mansfield combined swimming, cycling and running when they both took part in the Wychavon triathlon. The popular Worcestershire event was a sell-out with all 200 places taken. O’Driscoll enjoyed his second attempt over the Droitwich course that included a 400m pool swim, 20km cycle and a 5km run. The regular swimmer performed with ease in the water before he set-off on his most challenging discipline. The bike course is notoriously difficult to navigate, nevertheless, the cycling novice pushed pedals well enough to time under 44 mins for the 20km distance. The rest was easy as the runner displayed expertise while gaining dozens of places up the finishing order. Team-mate Jon Mansfield started the event for the 5th time. Mansfield also had a trouble free race with only his run time lacking to finish 5th overall.
5th Jon Mansfield 6.47 - 33.13 - 21.30 - 1:01.30
89th Baz O’Driscoll 7.58 - 43.42 - 24.40 - 1:16.15
And finally, Clive Sentance headed off east to race the "Hooky 6" around the picturesque Oxfordshire countryside. This course has the potential for some good times, but a fastish start was perhaps not the wisest choice as temperatures rose. The time of 37:39 was not quite good enough for a top 20 finish, but as a consolation there was a decent T shirt and a drinks bottle in place of the usual medal.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Bugatti 10K, 02/08/06
Alan Dumper reports..
"Many congratulations to you all for completing a real 'brute' of a course. I was very pleased with my own performance both in the car park at the drinks station !!!! Apparently it was so good I came away with a race T shirt , a beer and two bottles of wine as prizes !!!!!
Sadly the prizes were not mine - special congratulations to Carol for winning the Lady vet 55 prize and to Cathy for her performance in finishing 6th lady . Providing I don't have a party this weekend I will hopefully bring your prizes over to the handicap next week.
July Severn AC White Horse 5K
Multi-sport Exploits!
Minehead Triathon (swim = 400m, bike = 23km, Run = 7.5km)
Jon Mansfield and Sandie Harwood both took part in the Minehead triathlon. The event was the South West triathlon sprint distance championships. The swim was staged in the indoor pool before an undulating cycle course towards Portlock hill. The athletes were then sent out to run a 7.5km towards Dunster Castle, heading back along the beach, along side Butlins and then on to the welcome finish line. Harwood celebrated her birthday by completing the event in 1hr 58.28 In only her second triathlon the birthday girl came 130th. Mansfield found the going tough especially the run. Chronic hip and hamstring niggles have reduced the triathlete to just 3 miles run training a week. Nevertheless, after recording the fastest bike time of the day, a total time of 1hr 21.40 was rewarded by a runners-up spot and 1st placed senior male title for the region. A veteran took the overall win, just 19 seconds quicker.
2nd Jon Mansfield 6.35 - 42.58 - 32.07 = 1.21.40
130th Sandie Harwood 10.31 - 1.04.01 - 43.56 = 1.58.28
Bredon Triathlon (swim = 1200m, bike = 50km, run = 10km)
Four club members raced in the local Bredon triathlon. The event started with a 1200m swim in Croft farm lake followed by a scenic cycle out to Eastnor Castle and back and finishing with a 10km run. Phillip Howells was the main attraction for the 100+ spectators. The ultra-distance running specialist had never swam in the open water before and more importantly never swam 1200m. Howells didn't disappoint as the
novice used a combination of breast stroke and front crawl to complete the two lap swim in 41.50 minutes. Rapturous applause was directed at Howells as he hit dry land and eagerly rode away on the 50km ride. 1hr.48 minutes later the Ledbury based athlete ran off to complete 10km in under 51 minutes. A total race time of 3hr.20 secured 83rd for the smiling finisher. Stephen Darnell demonstrated his cycling power with an excellent ride. Darnell also timed just under 51 minutes for his run split.
Jon Mansfield had savoured the prospect of racing on his door-step training course. His swim was hampered by a leaking goggle. However, his cycling was a success, that was until the referee awarded a two minute penalty afterwards. A run time of 42 minutes was 3 minutes down from his 2005 performance. Likewise, for defending champion Jon Rawlings, racing for Tri team Glos, the Tewkesbury AC runner was struggling with a foot injury but still finished the event inside the top ten.
8th Jon Rawlings 18.14 - 1.25.38 - 42.30 = 2.26.22
11th Jon Mansfield 21.26 - 1.25.38 - 42.01 = 2.29.05
47th Steve Darnall 29.13 - 1.33.01 - 50.34 = 2.52.48
83rd Phillip Howells 41.50 - 1.48.11 - 50.57 = 3.20.58
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Gloucester 7, 27/07/06
To coincide with the Annual Gloucester Festival, Severn AC stage the Festival 7. The race used to be staged in a more central location in Gloucester but over the last few years it now starts at the Pilot Inn at Hardwicke and the route follows the country lanes around Longney and Elmore. The course is very undulating so fast times are difficult to achieve. On Thursday evening, 5 Tewkesbury Athletes tackled this tough course and also had to cope with very warm weather.
First home was yours truly in 41:22, this gave me a position of 4th (3rd Senior Man). Yes I was beaten by a lady (only just though), but a very good athlete in Jo Brewer of Cheltenham Harriers who broke the ladies course record by over 90 seconds. Not the greatest time in the world but a good hard workout and reasonable bearing in mind that I only decided to run it just over an hour before the start. Next home was Stu Buchan who came home in 20th in a time of 49:07. This was his first race back from a long lay off, well done. Stu Dudfield was next in 49:36 (22nd) followed by Barry O'Driscoll in 50:17 (23rd) and finally Cathy Dudfield in 53:32 (29th, but 3rd lady). Both Cathy and myself picked up prizes of various chocolate biscuits. Overall it was good that a reasonable turnout was achieved and compete in a race that has a good history in the Gloucestershire road racing calendar.
There were 35 runners with a winning time of 37:07.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Worcester Pitchcroft 10km, 16/07/06
Worcester racecourse was hot and humid for the annual 10km race. Always a popular race with both senior and junior fun runs taking place. Tewkesbury AC’s runners and their families were out in force to take on the course that is made up of trail pathways, tarmac and shingle. The 10km event consisted of three 2 mile laps and a bit extra to total 10km.
The most impressive run of was produced by Andrew Hawkins. In-form Hawkins performed with ease while those around fatigued - including the early leader who pulled-out! A sub 36 minute run was just outside the podium in 4th. However, not for the first time this season, the women club runners collected prizes. Angie Sadler, fresh from an amazing result in the Calgary marathon, found it in her to claim 2nd place overall female and 1st place veteran. Sadler completed the ‘slow’ course in 40 minutes. Silverware too for Cathy Dudfield. Dudfield’s time of 46 minutes rewarded her with 3rd senior and 4th female overall. Nigel Tillot just missed breaking the benchmark 40 minute 10km time. While Phil Howells came in seconds over 45 mins. Rare appearances from Clive Sentence and Jon Rawlings saw the two join Jon Mansfield and Jason Draper in the top 20 of the finishing field. Carol Cowley, Sandie Harwood and Wesley Reid had trouble free runs as less experienced runners were forced to reduce their pace as the sun warmed the air.
4th Andy Hawkins 35.52
7th John Rawlings 36.34
11th Jon Mansfield 37.26
12th Clive Sentance 37.40
20th Jason Draper 39.01
23rd Nigel Tillot 40.08
24th Angie Sadler 40.21 2nd lady/1st vet
59th Phillip Howells 45.02
67th Cathy Dudfield 46.03 4th lady/3rd Senior
75th Carol Cowley 47.05
92nd Sandie Harwood 48.59
190th Wes Reid 65.05
Jane Tomlinson 5, July 06
A well organised and unusual race. A good local community feel to it. Most of the runners were from clubs in that part of West Yorkshire.
Started off on canal path trails. After about 1.5 miles went onto grass paths, quite awkward to run on. After just over 2.5 miles had to cross a canal lock. We had to walk across this due to Health and Safety reasons. We then headed back along more trail paths. After 4 miles hit more grass paths, crossed a footbridge and then up a slight incline onto the finish. Not a PB course but quite enjoyable. All finishers were given a bottle of water which was needed on a warm Tuesday evening.
I finished 7th (out of 170) in a time of 28:50. The winning time was 27:20.
Gloucester half, 23/07/06
A group of three runners made the short trip to Newent to take part in the Glos Half.
Jason Draper performed well to finish under 1.27 minutes - a fine time over the undulating countryside course. And, even with a welcome drop of rain and light breeze, the air was still humid. Barry O’Driscoll had expected to run as well as club-mate Phillip Howells only to suffer from dehydration from the 8 mile mark, probably not the only athlete to be affected due to the hot and humid days preceding. O’Driscoll viewed his day philosophically and is looking forward to drinking more pre-race (water that is!). Ultra-distance veteran Phillip Howells clocked a fabulous time to finish in 88th place from a field of 300.
39th - Jason Draper 1-26.59
88th - Phillip Howells 1-36.06
134th - Barry O'Driscoll 1-44.30
Frampton 10km
Runners from Tewkesbury Athletics club took part in Monday evenings 10km event at Frampton. Conditions were cooler than previous years, nevertheless 501 finished the race to receive their complimentary glass of local cider. Three outstanding performances were produced amongst an eight strong Tewkesbury AC contingent. Nigel Tillot and Sandie Harwood smashed their pb's for the 10km with 40.09 and 48.05 minutes respectively. Both excellent over the country lane course. Club captain Cathy Dudfield ran superbly to come within seconds of her lifetime best.
17th Jon Mansfield - 36.55
38th Jason Draper - 38.50
56th Nigel Tillot - 40.09
98th Stuart Dudfield - 42.53
140th Cathy Dudfield - 44.58
161st Carol Cowley - 45.57
208th Sandie Harwood - 48.05
209th Phillip Howells - 48.06
Latest handicap scores
Thanks to everyone who competed in the latest handicap race. Another good turnout saw the total runners for the series so far rise to 34 (could we get you all out for the next two and make it really interesting?) including six series virgins, three of which were club newcomers.
Congratulations to Phil for a comfortable victory and to Stuart and newcomer Steve Jones for getting among the points. But with his third major points finish in a row Nigel is the man to catch as he climbs to the top of the leader board as his ever improving season goes from strength to strength. But its still tight at the top and the title & trophy for the inaugural Handicap Champion is still up for grabs with two races left. But as ever (this is my favourite part!) Phil, Nigel & Steve Jones will be penalised next time out!, which reminds me, I need a volunteer to assist me next time (August 9th) or the race will not go ahead!!
The following are the finish order with points scored and time order for July 12th, followed by the current leaderboard with individual number of races run in brackets (remember best 4 of 6 to count). Jason
1 PHIL H 5 10 35:49
2 NIGEL T 4 3 32:18
3 STEVE JONES 3 6 34:34
4 STUART D 2 9 34:42
5 STEVE WIGGALL 1 7 34:36
6 MIKE WARD 1 15 41:05
7 SANDIE H 1 14 39:13
8 CLIVE BAKER 1 1 30:02
9 BRADLEY C 1 5 33:06
10 JON M 1 2 30:40
11 ROB J 1 13 38:12
12 CATH D 1 11 36:35
13 CAROL C 1 12 38:06
14 JON R 1 4 32:44
15 ADRIAN L 1 8 34:39
16 CAROLINE 1 16 51:13
17 VICKY 1 17 52:00
1 NIGEL 9 (3)
2 ANG 8 (3)
3 ROGER 7 (3)
4 CAROL 7 (4)
5 SANDIE 7 (4)
7 BRAD 6 (3)
8 CATH 6 (4)
9 PHIL 6 (2)
10 JON M 5 (3)
11 BEV 3 (2)
12 STU D 3 (2)
13 MIKE 3 (3)
14 STEVE W 3 (3)
15 STEVE J 3 (1)
16 ROB J 2 (2)
17 STEVE D 2 (2)
OTHERS 1 (1)
Bourton Mile Race, 15/07/06
A small collective of athletes from Tewkesbury raced over the mile. The event was the Gloucestershire county mile championships as well as part of the Glos road race series (GRRS). Four runners entered the senior event and two collected category medals. Mick Morris finished in the silver medal position after timing 6.28 minutes. Excellent for the V60 runner who has been troubled with knee injuries for two years. Sandie Harwood impressed again. This time the Overbury athlete who, currently occupies second place in the GRRS, produced a 6.46 minute mile to finish second in the LV35 category. Barry O'Driscoll and Jon Mansfield had contrasting races. Mansfield broke the five minute mark for the first time while O'Driscoll ran with his 3yr son Benjamin and came in on 10.45mins - outstanding time for the youngest competitor who beat several runners up to three times his age. Callum Harwood ran with relative ease to record 7.03 and claim runners-up spot in the fun run - although it later appeared that the 12yr son of Sandie won!
12th 4.58 Jon Mansfield
46th 6.28 Mick Morris
51st 6.46 Sandie Harwood
58th 7.03 Callum Harwood
79th 10.45 Benjamin O'Driscoll
80th 10.45 Bas O'Driscoll
Monday, July 10, 2006
Sport Relief Mile
10 mile results, 8&9 July 06
Mike Ward travelled down to Weymouth to take part in the South-West veteran championship. Ran over a tough course from Portland Bill, Ward finished in a time of 1hr 30 minutes. The journey was more worthwhile as he travelled home with the first place V70 prize!
Severn AC Pilot 10 mile race.
Jason Draper joined two of Tewkesbury ACs ultra-distance talents on Saturday to be greeted by favourable conditions in Gloucester. Draper grabbed an excellent top ten position after finishing in 1hr 5 minutes. GB International star Sue Bruce followed in 12th place, a little behind the first place woman in a time of 1hr 6 minutes. Finally, globetrotting runner Phillip Howells was content to finish inside the top twenty with an admirable time of 74 minutes.
Aerospace 5, 6/7/06
A healthy Tewkesbury AC turnout was evident for this evening event at Bishops Cleeve, as part of the club's own race series which is currently led by Jason Draper and Angie Sadler. The course is not the easiest, starting over grass before slowly climbing up though Southam. This didn't have any effect on the club's star performer Lisa Kane. The Childswickham based athlete set a new personal best time on a course least expected to produce. Kane, who has recently changed her coach, has slotted in well amongst an improving group of women at the club. First runner to finish for Tewkesbury was Andy Hawkins who proved why he is rated No1 at the club. Hawkins had a top ten finish with a time of 29.01 minutes. Jon Mansfield arrived late and needed to take a running start. A finish time of 30.14 gave the Triathlete 17th position. Club vice-captain Jason Draper made it look easy to finish well inside 32 minutes. Great Britain Ultra-distance team member, Sue Bruce won the lady vets title in 32.17. Ever improving Nigel Tillot run the five miles in under 33 minutes, while Stuart Dudfield did well enough to hold off Steve Wiggall who came in strong at the finish. Roger Bennett ran with caution just nine days after a double cataract operation! Phillip Howells, having just returned from South Africa where he completed one of the toughest races on earth - the 56 mile Comrades marathon, found it a little easier over five miles and came in just under 37 minutes. Club captain Cathy Dudfield came in just after Howells in a comfortable time. Second of the prize winners was Bredon's Carol Cowley who ran away with the super vets title with 38.13. Cowley led home Sandie Harwood from neighbouring village Overbury. Mike Ward was yet again first in the V70 category, whilst new boy Wes Read finished the race in just over 45 minutes and one place ahead Bev Thomas who is return to racing after a short injury spell. Anne Robinson produced a run to be pleased with. Robinson appears to have shaken niggling injuries of late to finish 142nd in a record field for this event.
10th - 29.01 Andrew Hawkins
17th - 30.14 Jon Mansfield
27th - 31.42 Jason Draper
32nd - 32.17 Sue Bruce
38th - 32.57 Nigel Tillot
55th - 34.25 Stuart Dudfield
61st - 34.51 Steve Wiggall
62nd - 34.55 Roger Bennett
72nd - 36.58 Phillip Howells
74th - 37.04 Cathy Dudfield
83rd - 38.13 Carol Cowley
92nd - 39.06 Lisa Kane
102nd - 40.27 Sandie Harwood
107th - 40.35 Michael Ward
124th - 45.29 Wesley Reid
125th - 45.35 Beverly Thomas
142nd - 49.35 Anne Robinson
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Calgary Marathon, July 2006
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Mallards Pike (and other events!), June 2006
Cooler, overcast conditions greeted Tewkesbury AC athletes on their annual return to the Forest of Dean. Thirteen runners started the event over the official Adidas trial, covering just under 5 miles over a stony, thankfully dry, surface. The event was part of the TAC Club Championship and points were on offer to club runners who completed the course. With just two runners finishing in the top ten this year, Jon Mansfield and Jason Draper who came in 3rd and 10th respectively, the main excitement was further down the field. Roger Bennett was pleased to finish quicker than in 2005 while gifted distance runner, Angie Sadler had to settle for 2nd place lady - local GB international athlete Caroline Jones took top spot. Much improved runner Nigel Tillot again impressed recording 32 minutes for such a demanding course. Most competitive runners of the evening were Barry O'Driscoll and Stuart Dudfield who had a race long battle. Both runners pushed each other to record great times and in doing so set themselves Pb's. O'Driscoll came in 10 yards clear on this occasion. A great, great time was clocked by club captain Cathy Dudfield. She was able to reduce her
course best time by 3 minutes - in just 12 months! A sub 35 minute 5 mile run could be making an appearance later this year from the captain. Finishing in an improving time and, looking very comfortable while doing so was Steve Wiggall. Bredon's Carol Cowley recorded 36.46 minutes while veteran 70yr Mike Ward came in just ahead of Lisa Kane. Kane launched into an impressive burst of speed over the last 30 yards which set several Mallards flying. Finally, it was new club member and former local Rugby
talent Wes Reid who completed the team. Reid is rapidly becoming a runner so, watch this space.
While the adults were running through the trees, a children's race took place, Sue Bruce's son entered and produced a promising performance - by winning the top boys title. Well done Dougie Bruce.
This weekend was the Hilly Half at Bourton-on-the-Water. With a starting field of 245 runners, just two from Tewkesbury AC toed the line. Although conditions were hot, Olympian Dan Robinson still broke his course record in sub 67 minutes! Tewkesbury AC's Sandie Harwood added another half marathon race to her total for the year. Harwood's unlikely to experience such a demanding course for at least 12 months. Sections of the scenic route reduced several runners to walkers, particular those who shot off up the first climb too quickly. Harwood ran with discipline to break the 2 hour mark and come inside the top 180. Jon Mansfield joined a select few who have run all three Hilly Half's. With the race starting at 6pm, Mansfield had time to race the Dambuster Triathlon in Leicestershire in the morning. The Dambuster was a qualifying event for the forthcoming Triathlon world championships in Switzerland. It started at 7am and so did the rain. The race went badly for the shorter distance triathlete as shin splins affected the whole 10km run and was forced to run on tip toes. A finishing time of 2.18hrs and a placing of 128th from 550 meant that a flight to Switzerland was not needed. Nevertheless, after a cold bath and a hot massage the shin splints had cleared enough to get around the Hilly course later.
Mallard's Pike Trial Race Result 21/06/06
29.00 Jon Mansfield
30.41 Jason Draper
31.26 Roger Bennett
31.53 Angie Sadler
32.12 Nigel Tillot
33.31 Bas O'Driscol
33.33 Stuart Dudfield
34.31 Steve Wiggall
35.19 Cathy Dudfield
36.46 Carol Cowley
39.00 Michael Ward
40.14 Lisa Kane
45.20 Wesley Reid
Childrens Event
Dougie Bruce 1st placed boy & 2nd overall.
The Dambuster Triathlon (1500m/42km/10km)
2.18 Jon Mansfield
Bourton Hilly Half Marathon.
1.37.24 Jon Mansfield
1.59.49 Sandie Harwood
Comrades Marathon, June 2006
For the record, this was my 3rd Comrades marathon (for those who have not been subject to my ravings about this great event, it is in South Africa, ran between Durban and Pietermaritzberg, with many hills including fivefamous big ones, and either approx 89km/56mls or 87.5km/54.5mls depending on if a 'down' or 'up' race - this year an up, so the shorter distance!) and I did a pb time of 8-56-13, thus earning the much coveted 'Bill Rowan' medal that is awarded for beating 9 hours (there are five different medal types depending on time, with a very strict 12 hours limit - 12 hrs and 1 sec means no medal or a recognised finish, you are not even allowed to cross the finish line, which makes the end very dramatic indeed; there are always many runners still out on the course, or even in the stadium as the 'gun' signals the end). Naturally I was delighted to achieve a major goal for this year
after missing it by less than 15 minutes when I last ran in 2004. Some of you have met my fellow UK runners Edward Chapman, who did 11-40 (for his 6th finish), and Colin Gill ('Gilly') who did 11-12 (his 4th).
To put my time in perspective, it meant running 2 back-to-back 4-18 marathons plus a couple of extra miles at an average pace of 9-54 per mile; also achieved a pretty rare 'negative' split along the way, 4-28-44 first half and 4-27-29 second, which I was impressed with! Can't take the credit for that really, even though I usually judge pace pretty well, but decided I would go with the pacemaker 'bus' for a sub-9hour run.
It proved to be a good decision. As 2 years ago, I caught the 'bus' after about 30kms following my usual very steady start, but rather than go ahead like I did in 2004, going through half way in under 4-15 then, but finishing in 9-13, I decided to stay with the pacemaker. This was a totally different experience to running on my own and it taught me a lot - as well as getting me that medal. After all the niggles of the last two months, amazingly the run was just perfect, ran well with no problems at all, and we were still running at 8min mile pace at the end (there was a lot of walking as well - the best strategy to finish in good shape, even many of the very top guys walk some of the way). I eventually finished 2,321 of 9,838 finishers. Hope
to go back at least once more in 2007 to celebrate the fact that I will be 60 then - I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to experience something different which is also a big challenge. The South Africans are mad about it, the crowds are huge and very enthusiastic! Angie and I certainly plan it for 2007, and I think Sue has an invitation to compete as well.
Talking about Angie, Amanda and I supported her when she ran a leg of the Cotswold Relay for Cheltenham Ladies yesterday (we ran the leg behind the field, mainly off-road in superb scenery on a fabulous day). She of course won the Ladies prize for the 12 mile leg in 1-27, finishing an excellent 11th from over 60 teams and, with our own Carol who ran an earlier leg, being part of the winning Ladies team for the 105 miles event (which has 10 legs). There was a really great atmosphere with obvious commited team spirit amongst the many teams. Many of you know that Angie is very enthusiastic about this race and having experienced it myself, I think it would be great if we could put a Tewkesbury AC team together for next year (can be a mixed
team). Think we already have 7 or 8 interested club members; it is in my diary for this weekend next year despite it being the week after Comrades, but that does not matter, the time is not as important as the team effort, so hope a few more of you will want to join us?
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Club Handicap #3, 14/06/06
We had another good turnout for the monthly handicap. The results are tabulated below in finish order, allotted points, and your individual performance and ranking for the 5 mile.
Position Name Points Rank Elapsed Time
1 Angie Sadler 5 3 00:31:54
2 Carol Cowley 4 9 00:36:33
3 Jon Mansfield 3 1 00:29:33
4 Nigel Tillot 2 4 00:32:23
5 Steve Wiggall 1 6 00:34:22
6 Roger Bennett 1 2 00:30:46
7 Sandie Harwood 1 10 00:38:36
8 Mike Ward 1 11 00:40:51
9 Bradley Crouch 1 5 00:32:35
10 Cathy Dudfield 1 8 00:35:50
11 Amanda Martin 1 7 00:35:30
12 Helena 1 12 00:48:52
So after 3 races in the series the provisional leaderboard looks something like the following (to be confirmed by Jason):
Position Name Grand Total
1 Angie Sadler 8
2 Roger Bennett 7
3 Carol Cowley 6
3 Charlotte Mowbray 6
3 Sandie Harwood 6
6 Bradley Crouch 5
6 Cathy Dudfield 5
6 Nigel Tillot 5
9 Jon Mansfield 4
10 Bev Thomas 3
11 Mike Ward 2
11 Steve Darnell 2
11 Steve Wiggall 2
14 Alan Dumper 1
14 Amanda Martin 1
14 Andy Hawkins 1
14 Anne Robinson 1
14 Barry O'Driscoll 1
14 Helena 1
14 Lisa Kane 1
14 Mick Morris 1
14 Nev Simpson 1
14 Phillip Howells 1
14 Rob Jordan 1
14 Rob Knight 1
14 Simon Hall 1
14 Stu Dudfield 1
14 ??? 1
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
County Update, June 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Cloud Cuckoo 5 , 7/6/06
Angie Sadler 36th 40.32 1st Vet 45, 3rd Lady Stuart Dudfield 57 43.45
Steve Wiggall 59 44.40
Cathy Dudfield 82 46.47
Barry O'Driscoll 89 47.26
Sandie Harwood 123 55.08
Phillip Howells 126 55.24
Wes Reid 139 1.04.25
143 Finished
This race was off road (mix of stony tracks and grass, extremely hilly, (nearly vertical or even mountainous in places!!), conditions were perfect, warm with light
cool breeze. Stuart and Cathy Dudfield, who took part last year, were certainly faster than last time. Phillip was going carefully prior to the Comrades 'marathon' on 16 June.
Steve Wiggall's personal feelings: "I was intending to treat it like a training run after a hard 4m yesterday. Set off steady then started to pick it up after 2. Hill
at 3 was tough going but then once over that and onto the common I really picked it up and felt good gradually reeling people in. Forgot about the last hill at about 5 and then powered into the finish and really enjoyed it"
Fairford 10k, 4/6/06
Jason Draper was delighted to come in 20th in such a large field in just under 39 minutes. Fresh from his European marathon exploits, Nigel Tillot came in 40th in mins. Rising female talent, Lisa Kane successfully completed another sub 55 minute 10km run.
20th Jason Draper = 38.58
40th Nigel Tillot = 41.33
233rd Lisa Kane = 53.49
Marlborough Challenge, Wiltshire
Otmoor Challenge, 3/6/06
23rd Angie Sadler = 1.31.55 (1st FM)
78th Phil Howells = 1.46.08
Whitsun race reports

Jon Mansfield reports...
Angie Sadler and Sue Bruce both won their races over the bank holiday weekend. Sadler raced at Dymock and set a new female course record over the 1/2 marathon distance. The ladies race winner was out on her own from the gun and, running so well, she was never challenged. Her effort helped Tewkesbury AC collect another ladies team victory.
Bruce won her race at the White Horse (formerly the Globe) over a 5 mile course. Unlike Sadler, Bruce had a fight on her hands with one of the counties top girls and it wasn't until the last mile that Bruce took control to take the win.
Jason Draper was first to finish for the club in the Crowle 10km. Delighted Draper was one of five club members who added to the record 408 entrants over a scenic, somewhat undulating course through Worcestershire.
Jon Mansfield finished third, for the third time, in his third triathlon, in three weeks in the Gloucester event held at Newent
Dymock 1/2 Marathon
Sunday 28th May
12th Angie Sadler = 1.24.04 (1st fm) NEW COURSE RECORD
56th Carol Cowley = 1.47.27
65th Sandie Harwood = 1.54.34
66th Phillip Howells = 1.54.34
96 finished.
Crowle Gunpowder plot 10km
Sunday 28th May
18th Jason Draper = 37.44
76th Stuart Dudfield = 43.39
113rd Cathy Dudfield = 45.59
189th Lisa Kane = 50.39
282nd Anne Robinson = 56.08
408 finished
Male winner Matt Bond = 31.57
Female winner Lynne Cox = 37.48
Gloucester Triathlon (swim=400m, Cycle=18km, Run=5km)
Monday 29th May
3rd Jon Mansfield = 5.49 (21st) - 38.15 (2nd) - 16.54 (3rd) = 53.58 mins
208 finished.
Whitsun 5 mile - White Horse (Sandhurst)
7th Sue Bruce 30.48 (1st Female)